Distributed brands


Edap, a world leader in therapeutic ultrasound, manufactures and promotes minimally-invasive urological devices. The company has business interests all around the world and is constantly investing in research and development. It holds a significant number of patents for its innovative technologies.

Soluzione in evidenza



ExactVu is a high-frequency ultrasound system for cutting-edge biopsies for prostate cancer. Its very high-resolution imaging means that targeted prostate biopsies can be performed on individual areas of suspicion for increasingly accurate and early diagnosis. ExactVu’s micro-ultrasound technology is a non-invasive technique complementary and comparable to MRI, which facilitates comprehensive patient management by the urologist and delivers other potential advantages over MRI, such as reduced costs and greater ease of use.

Swiper released under MIT license, Copyright (c) 2019 Vladimir Kharlampidi