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Robotic microsurgery


The Symani Surgical System is a teleoperated robotic platform for a range of open, micro-level surgeries, including post cancer reconstruction, trauma reconstruction using free tissue transfer, trauma replantation, and lymphatic system repair.

It is designed to assist the surgeon during microsurgical procedures such as anastomosis, suturing and ligation of small anatomical structures, such as blood vessels, lymphatic ducts and peripheral nerves.

It combines the world’s smallest wristed instruments with tremor-reducing and motion-scaling technologies to address the scale and complexity of microsurgery and supermicrosurgery.


The Symani Surgical System is composed of three parts

Cart with Macropositioner and Micromanipulators (CMM)

The CMM is a portable cart designed for mobility between operating rooms. It houses the System’s central processing, the Macropositioner, used to move instruments into the operating field, and the Micromanipulators that hold the NanoWrist® Instruments. It also includes a touchscreen for workflow efficiency and status visualization.

ab medica 2024 - Foto: Lorenzo Lucca, Elisa Piemontesi - PLUME storytelling, visual storytelling e digital marketing

Surgeon Console

The ergonomically designed Surgeon Console supports a surgeon’s comfort throughout lengthy procedures, while the OperaAir® Controllers and footswitch provide complete control of the instrumentation with 7-20x motion scaling and tremor reduction

The surgeon can move the controllers directly as he or she would do with manual instruments to translate natural, macro movements to the NanoWrist micro instruments.

ab medica 2024 - Foto: Lorenzo Lucca, Elisa Piemontesi - PLUME storytelling, visual storytelling e digital marketing

NanoWrist Instruments

Symani NanoWrist Instruments are the world’s smallest wristed surgical instruments, intended to improve the natural dexterity and the range of motion beyond the capabilities of the human hand.

The NanoWrist Needle Holder and Dilator allow an unobstructed view of the target anatomy. Furthermore, the instruments’ 7-degrees of freedom offer enhanced precision and control for manipulating delicate structures when operating in a microsurgical environment.

ab medica 2024 - Foto: Lorenzo Lucca, Elisa Piemontesi - PLUME storytelling, visual storytelling e digital marketing


The following content is intended for healthcare professionals as it concerns products categorised as medical devices that must be used or operated by professionals in the medical/healthcare sector.

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ab medica 2024 - Foto: Lorenzo Lucca, Elisa Piemontesi - PLUME storytelling, visual storytelling e digital marketing


The operating principle of the Symani Surgical System is based on teleoperation, which allows to translate reliably the surgeon-controlled motion of the controllers to the corresponding Instrument tips: the Console is equipped with a tracking system, generating an EM (Electro Magnetic) field, which detects the position and orientation of the surgeon’s hands while holding the two controllers.

The system reproduces the movements in real time to the microinstruments in a precise and reproducible manner, scaling them down by user selectable factors (in the range from 7X to 20X). Apart from motion scaling, further control is provided by tremor reduction, which minimizes the impact of natural hand tremor or inadvertent movement.

Foto: Lorenzo Lucca, Elisa Piemontesi - PLUME storytelling, visual storytelling e digital marketing

Clinical Advantages

  • Designed to improve precision and stability, due to human tremor reduction
  • Designed to improve control, due to the motion scaling function (7-20x)
  • Proprietary NanoWrist Instruments equipped with a wrist with 7 degrees of freedom
  • Increased comfort and reduced fatigue during microsurgical procedures
  • Ability to perform supermicrosurgery with specialized instruments
  • Enables easier access to deep anatomical structures1
  • Elevates Microsurgical skill and accelerates the learning curve
  • Expands microsurgical programs by enabling challenging clinical applications

Advantages for patients

  • Reduced vessel trauma and, therefore, less tissue damage during anastomoses2
  • Potential to result in higher success rates3 and reduced adverse events4
  • Increased availability of innovative and less invasive treatments to expand surgical programs

Clinical Applications

The Symani Surgical System is intended for microsurgical and supermicrosurgical procedures in various surgical disciplines, such as

  • Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
  • Lymphatic Surgery
  • Orthopedic Surgery
  • Hand Surgery
  • Foot Surgery
  • Head and Neck Surgery
  • Peripheral Nerve Surgery
  • Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Pediatric Surgery


Symani alla UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital di Roma

Microchirurgia e super microchirurgia con il sistema robotico Symani alla UPMC Salvator Mundi International Hospital di Roma. Con l’introduzione di Symani, la clinica non solo innalza gli standard di cura, ma anche le prospettive di guarigione per i pazienti affetti da ...

1 Lindenblatt N, et al. Benefits of robotic-assisted lymphatic microsurgery in deep anatomical planes. JPRAS Open. 2023; 37: 145-154.

2 Ballestin A, et al. Microsurgical robotic system enables the performance of microvascular anastomoses: a randomized in vivo preclinical trial. Sci Rep. 2023;13(1):14003. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-41143-z. Data derived from animal models may not be predictive of human clinical experience. Score includes vessel reaction, inflammation, host reaction. Total average host reaction score compared to manual.

3 Data on file with MMI.

4 PRIMO PMCF clinical study. Data on file with MMI.

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