Our headquarters are equipped with a Training & Simulation Centre, a dedicated learning environment boasting simulation systems and a personalised educational experience.
Two demo rooms where you can learn about and experiment with ab medica’s distributed technologies, offering added value in the training of surgeons, medical teams and company staff.
“At the Training & Simulation Centre, we share a philosophy and build real relationships with people.”
Alessandro Bonali, sales manager
For more information write us
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ab medica s.p.a.
via J.F. Kennedy 10/12 20023 Cerro Maggiore (MI)
Phone +39 02.93305.1 Fax +39 02.93305.400 abmedica@abmedica.it
business register no. 08862820969
paid-up share capital € 10.000.000
ab medica s.p.a. via J.F. Kennedy 10/12 20023 Cerro Maggiore (MI) Phone +39 02.93305.1 Fax +39 02.93305.400 abmedica@abmedica.it business register no. 08862820969 paid-up share capital € 10.000.000